I am so excited to celebrate the release of THE FROZEN CROWN in paperback and the hardcover release of THE SEVENTH QUEEN that I just have to share the joy! So between now and November 1st 11:59 EST I’ll be

I pulled the cloak closer about my shoulders, ignoring the bead of sweat dripping down my spine. From my hilltop perch, the walled city of Eshkaroth wasn’t much to look at. The smallest holding in the Free State of Idun,

Dissecting the Query Letter
Query letters: the college application of the writing world. The thing standing between you and all your literary dreams. The sheer importance of this one little page is enough to give anyone hives. I mean, how can you possibly boil

See a Successful Query Letter
To help you pull the pieces of your query letter together, and see an example of one that worked, I’ve put my own query letter below. I’m going to be honest with you, it’s not perfect. There are parts of

How I Got My Agent
When I was in the query-trenches, articles about how writers got their agents were always my favorites to read. It seemed like if I just read one more article or watched one more interview, I’d be able to capture that

How You Can Help Save Independent Bookstores
Hi Guys! I know that we are all struggling to stay healthy (and sane) during the Coronavirus pandemic. For me, getting outside, talking with friends and family, and escaping reality in a great book are necessities. Books have always provided

Resources for Writers
Here are some resources for writers that I’ve found helpful: Pub(lishing) Crawl Blog Jane Fridman AllWriters’ Workplace & Workshop, LLC Susan Dennard – For Writers Blog Shipping & Handling Podcast Literaticast Rebecca Faith Editorial Brenda Drake